Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Assignment #4

Hey Class,

Today in class we discussed "What is the Value of Sharing Personal Stories?". Your Do Now was " What is it about your life or your culture that you would want other's to know about you?". From the list you compiled earlier, choose ONE and explain in TWO paragraphs why you think it is important to you that others are aware of that aspect of your life or culture. Remember in order to receive full credit, you MUST have TWO FULL paragraphs. Please use proper grammar when Blogging.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Assignment #3

Hey Class,

Hope you're having a good weekend. On Friday we discussed our personal and school goals. This weekend I want you to talk to your parents and guardians and ask them:
1. What are your goals in life?
2. What goals did you have as a teenager?
3. What are some suggestions you can give me for achieving my goals?

People at all ages have dreams and goals for themselves. That is what keeps us moving on and striving for more. Thank you for sharing with us the goals and dreams of your parents!

See you Monday.
Ms. Valit

Friday, September 11, 2009

Assignment #2

Hey Class,

I hope you've had a wonderful first week of school. I enjoyed having you in my class. The following is your next assignment:

As I plan for our semester, what are some of the things you want to learn in class this year? Think about your strengths and your weaknesses. What are some things you would like to improve on in English class this year? What are some interesting books you want to read? What are some discussions that you think we should have in our class? Your suggestions are much appreciated and will be thoroughly considered by Ms. Scanlon and me.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hello From Ms. Valit

Dear Students,

Welcome to our Blog!!! This Blog is for you to post Comments, Questions, and Ideas throughout the semester. I will be checking this Blog weekly, so remember, all entries must be class relevant and appropriate! Although you will be required to Blog weekly, I encourage you to use it as often as you can. You can utilize the blog to post comments about the days lesson, ask other students for help with homework or other questions that you may have about reading assignments, relay ideas or feelings about what we are currently reading, and communicate with your peers. I encourage you to debate, analyze and discuss!!! I will pick one "Blogger of the Week" and post their Blog on our Class Bulletin Board. Please make sure that your blogs are insightful and interesting. Furthermore, you MUST be respectful to your peers. If I deem your use of the Blog inappropriate, you will be removed and your rights to blogging relinquished. I am very excited to see where this goes!

Please Remember:
1. Leave your First and Last name as well as Period at the conclusion of every Blog to get credit.
2. Be creative, and insightful.
3. Make a habit of commenting on other blogs.
4. Be RESPECFUL of everyone's thoughts and feelings.
5. Report inappropriate use to Ms. Valit immediately.
6. Strive to be Blogger of the Week

Ms. Valit